on saturday 10.7 chickentown invites another exponential figure of the new italian scene that has been stirring shit up in zurich..the so called NIWEA (Neue Italienische Welle Ehemalige Arbeiterklasse)
we have and excerpt from our interview with Francesco Cagnin.
CT: your name is Cagnin, that sounds like a Venetian slur referred to a dog, and we know that your wealth comes from the Cinodromo Grande owned by your family in Zero Branco.. does all those canine coincidences make your work inherently cynical?
FC: hahah omg how did you find all this out?? you guys are crazy 😳
..I have been always trying to hide the fact that I come from a wealthy family..It doesn’t fit the romantic idea I have of an artist-wanderer on the fringe of society, emerging from poverty….
you blew my cover at Francesca Pia..
im still weird enough though…
I might be a genius..
I am a genius..
CT: blablabla..sure you are all special..let’s see what you’ve got..
we are just trying to make some money
so.. at Chickentown 18:30??
FC: evidently!
With the generous support